
Sponsors of Many of our SonicVoyageFests

We carefully select the companies that we partner with to bring Sonic Voyage Fest (SVF) to you.  We ask you to offer them your support – at our festival and throughout the year.  Without these great people and their companies SVF would not be able to bring such great music to our amazing fans!

Composers’ Now is co-presenting SonicVoyageFest’s StringFest II at Arlene’s Grocery on Feb.27, 2020.

The Composers Now Festival celebrates living composers, the diversity of their voices, and the significance of their musical contributions to our society. During the month of February, the Festival brings together myriad performances ranging in genre from jazz to indie, classical to post-classical, experimental to folk, and beyond. Composers will be in attendance at all events.  http://ComposersNow.org

Thank you, Captain Phil, for sponsoring SonicVoyageFest!

Redhouse Productions specializes in integrating Immersive technology and live music. Redhouse Productions will be capturing live footage for Sonic Voyage in October.

Rita Kay Drew
Fiscal Officer, Bazetta Township
Owner, Arcady Sales & Consulting LLC dba Ace Equipment North
Owner, The Band Wagon
Rita has been on the frontline for SVF in the Midwest.