I think you’ll like these new posters for the 2015 Fall SONIC VOYAGE FEST!
Please share them with your friends.
Legendary comic artist John Wilcox designed these for us, and we thank him.
These are the dates of this Fall’s Sonic Voyage Fest:
October 16, Stratospheerius, Shadow Eden, and Lovetester, Olives in Nyack (Rockland County), NY. www.facebook.com/OlivesNyack.
October 23, Stratospheerius, Tiles, and friends: Faded Main and Discipline Diesel Concert Lounge, Chesterfiled, MI (Detroit.) Get your tickets at etix.
October 30: New York City on Halloween Eve Joe Deninzon & Stratospheerius, Rob Balducci, Joe Stump, Shadow Eden at Gussy’s in Astoria, New York City, NY. www.facebook.com/GUSSYS-BAR.
November 13 Shadow Eden and Ad Astra at Binghamton’s CyberCafe West, cybercafewest.com.
November 28, Joe Stump, Shadow Eden, Stratospheerius & Ad Astra, at Even Flow in Bay Shore (Long Island), NY. www.evenflowbarandgrill.com/.